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Informações sobre o conceito

Termo preferencial



  • Descriptor

Conceitos mais restritos

Termos alternativos

  • Erwartungshypothese der Zinsstruktur
  • Fristigkeitsstruktur der Zinssätze
  • Internationaler Zinszusammenhang
  • Internationale Zinsdifferenz
  • LIBOR-Markt-Modell
  • Zinsdifferenz
  • Zinskurve
  • Zinsspread
  • Zinsstrukturkurve
  • Zinsstrukturmodell
  • Zinsstrukturtheorie

Em outros idiomas

  • inglês

  • BGM model
  • Credit spread
  • Expectations hypothesis of the term structure
  • Interest rate differential
  • Interest rate linkage
  • Interest rate spread
  • LIBOR market model
  • Term structure model
  • Term structure of interest rates
  • Term structure theory
  • Yield spread



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